Thursday, March 24, 2005

The power of words....

It has often been said that it is hard to know what the intent of something you read was, or how something you write will be interpreted. Why is it that a comment made in innocent excitement, one intended to cheer a person up, can explode into the reverse effect? Writing is a powerful tool.

Frank Lloyd Wright once said: "I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with typewriters."

I assume he probably said it in reference to something that someone had said about his architectural designs, however, I think it could also be words of wisdom to those who read or write with emotion foremost in their minds. When words are written or read with strong feelings - things are implied or interpreted that were not intended.

Even one who makes writing their lifestyle and profession is not immune to the interpretation of their words being misconstrued and inflicting harm - even perhaps the harm the words had been trying to keep from being felt. What other tool has mankind devised that is so powerful, so unpredictable, and so enduring as the written word?

Words can change the world, can change a life.

I have seen them build bonds of friendship so strong that those sharing the words seem to blend into one another's subconsciousness - so that thoughts can be finished, ideas born on two ends of a continent as though from a single mind. And I have seen written words tear apart friendships and even families.

No other invention in the history of mankind has ever been so powerful. So widely used. So equally capable of both destruction and creation.

I love words. I breathe words and there are times I have woken from dreams of me writing. They are powerful, striking strong emotional chords within those who write and those who read. They can destroy worlds and they can describe the miracle of baby's birth.

Use them wisely.
