Thursday, May 15, 2008

Headache cures - rest or Botox?

I started getting a low headache early this morning, that thankfully faded away after a few hours of relaxing in bed before I got up to get to work. That is one of the perks of working for myself, in addition to being able to work wherever I want to, I can also (for the most part) work when I want to so that I can take time off to be under the weather when I need to, then make up for it later on.

One of my main trouble points for being able to work has always been headaches, but I hate to have to take medicine, so taking pills to cure my headaches is passed by in favor of just suffering through or laying down until the headache passes.

This is not an option for so many that have headaches, however, such as those who suffer from migraines. My dad had bad migraines for many years, as does the father of one of my friends. There are a lot of different headache cures out there for people that need more than just rest, personally I am a bit wary about some of them, such as using Botox for migraines and similar sorts of procedures, but I suppose that for many it is a justifiable way to cure bad migraines.

I think I will stick to just laying down to rest when migraines hit me, since I think 90% of mine are caused by stress anyway. There is just something about having to get a Botox injection for a headache that makes me cringe and start backing away. Of course, I cringe and back away from the two aspirin tablets that are currently sitting on the desk staring up at me like a pair of eyes daring me to just try and make that headache stay away without them.


Anonymous said...

This is an excellent blog that is related to Headache cures that it starts when we not sleep properly or by watching T.V. or not eating properly. I suggest that the best way to overcome headache is either to consult a doctor or avoid watching T.V. too much and eat properly.