Monday, November 09, 2009

Fall cleaning

Trying to get things cleaned up in the living room in preparation for Thanksgiving, it has me looking around at all of the things that were supposed to get done this summer that did not get done because of lack of time or funds for it. Such as new carpeting in the living room, the walls painted, finish the painting in the bathroom that came to a full standstill after mom passed away, getting the ceramic tiles installed on the bathroom floor to replace the linoleum that is in there now.

Most important is the house heater system, which is really starting to annoy me. I had been trying to fix it with the dividends, but that fell through, so now I am looking into a State assistance program that might be able to help us with getting the heater repaired or replaced. Once that is dealt with I can focus less on staying up 20 hours a day to keep the fireplace going and more on working around the house and sleeping. Hard to clean the back half of the place properly when it is barely above freezing in 2/3rds of the house.