Thursday, February 04, 2010

Can one home office contaminate another?

I am trying to get my office put back together, and set up an area in the basement where I can work on my quilting and other craft type products such as OOAK art dolls and handbound books that I can sell. I need to set up an area, possibly in the corner of the office, and cover it with glass tiles so I can set up my clay oven and an area for using my wood burner and soldering iron. I really don't want to use any of those in the basement, so I am thinking that a section of the office might be the safest place. I just have to decide if that would interfere with the business use only aspect of the office. The things are intended for use in my second home based business, but do I have to keep both businesses in their own space to keep the writing office up to par for the taxes? Must research that before I get too carried away with where to put those things.