Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Heater finally fixed, and oh what a fight that was!

Somewhere back in mid January my house heater decided that it was no longer going to be working for me. Oh joy! My nephew was able to keep me in supply with wood, but since I am running a Franklin fireplace, I have no ability to damper the stove down, and it throws very little heat. I'd closed off the back half of the house and was living in the front half of it, but still I was barely keeping the heat in the mid 50's in the day and evening, when I went to sleep the temps inside would drop to the low 50's or mid 40's by the time I got back up and got the fireplace going again.

After a few trips to the local heating repair supplier my brother and I sorted out the issue. Ended up installing a complete tuneup kit, and a new box deal that told the little electrodes that they needed to send a spark to  ignite the fuel.

It's all working good now, though, so as long as it keeps working and the house stays warm i will be happy. And I can finally get back to work, which is the best part. I had not been able to keep the house warm enough that my computer area was warm. Meaning any time at all by the computer meant frozen feet and hands. I ended up huddled by the fireplace too stressed out to work. Now the heater is working and I am trying to get caught up on the work I got behind on.